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Sunday, August 12, 2007
New Year's In Aspen-RPF NC-17
This is a work of fiction. I do not know Johnny Depp. I do not intend to make any money from this story. Includes sexual situations.
“Fucking snowstorm.”
He threw his bag down on the padded bench and flopped down next to it. All flights out were cancelled, and he was going to be stuck here. Hell of a way to spend the New Year. No one he knew was in town any longer, they had left this morning. He had to sleep in today. Who knew there was a storm rolling in? Damn.
As he sat there running his options, the few there were, through his mind, he became aware of a soft sound behind him, on the other side of the pillar that the bench surrounded. He strained to hear the sound; he finally realized it was someone crying. Carefully, he approached the other side to find who was making the noise. As he peeked around the column, he found a woman wearing a wide brimmed hat, hands covering her face, shoulders shaking slightly from the sobs. He stood indecisively for a few moments, then cleared his throat.Here is the beginning of my post.
The woman stopped crying, but didn’t raise her head. The brim of the hat she wore covered her face from his view.
“Stranded?” A nod. “Me too. No flights for a few days. Aspen Valley is cut off.”
“I know.” Her voice was heavy with tears. “I-I have nowhere to go.”
“Same boat. May I sit?” She nodded again. “I’m Johnny.”
“Beth. I was supposed to fly out to Denver this morning, but missed the flight. I have been here all day waiting for a seat and now they tell me there are no flights leaving. The hospital got me the ride here, but won’t come pick me up. I have no money for the RFT much less a room.”
She raised her head and he noticed for the first time that her eyes were covered with bandages. He took in his breath.
“I suffered flash burns from a portable heater that blew in my face. I was supposed to fly to Denver to have the bandages removed and see what the damage was. Now…” A tear rolled out from under the gauze down her cheek. Instinctively, Johnny raised his hand and brushed it away with his thumb.
“Well, I was just to lazy to fly out early.” She chuckled a little. He felt a little ashamed of himself. He was feeling sorry for his situation, when this woman obviously had it worse.
“I’ll tell you what. Let me make a couple of calls, get us a place to stay and a cab.”
“I can’t…”
“You can. You can’t stay here and I have no one to spend New Year with. So let’s make the best of it.”
She thought for a moment. She wasn’t likely to get a better offer, and the tiny Sardy Field Airport was closing up shop, letting everyone get home before the weather got too much worse.
“I guess I don’t really have a lot of choices, do I. Okay.”
“Good. I’ll see what hotel might still have some rooms.”
Beth felt him rise from the seat and heard as he stepped away. His voice was familiar to her, but she couldn’t place why. Since her accident, her other senses had sharpened to an almost unbearable point. Everything was in hyper mode. She had become accustomed to thinking there were familiar things around her when in fact it was a ghost of what she knew.
The cab arrived half an hour later and was loaded with their bags quickly. The ride into Aspen was slow going, as the heavy snow made the roads treacherous and the visibility almost nothing. They rode in silence for the most part, the sound of the dispatcher on the radio the only noise. Johnny had gotten two rooms at the Mountain Chalet and 45 minutes later they pulled up in front of the Swiss styled hotel. He guided Beth up the steps into the lobby and seated her in a chair while the driver brought in the bags. She could smell the fire in the fireplace and fresh coffee coming from somewhere to her right. She heard him talking to the driver, then the desk clerk in a low voice. She thought she sensed an odd tone of excitement in the clerk’s voice but waved it off.
“We’re all set. I got us two rooms on the main floor here next to each other. How bout we get settled and then get something to eat?”
“I guess. You know, “ Beth spoke as he took her hand and pulled her up. “You are going to have to let me know how to get in touch with you to repay you. I have nothing here.”
“Nonsense. We’ll call it my good deed for the year. Watch your step.”
“Let me get a feel for the path we are taking, so I know where I am going.”
He led her to the rooms, watching as she felt for objects along the walls, counting steps. She felt the plate on the door, identifying her room, then did the same routine as she entered. He stood, watching her form move about the dark room, resisting the urge to turn on the light immediately. It was fascinating to watch her explore, almost like watching a child discovering a new toy or game.
“Are you still there?” she said in a half laughing, half frightened voice.
“Yes. I need to get our bags though, I left them in the lobby.”
“Okay.” Relief flooded her voice. “I’ll be here.”
When he came back, she was seated on the bed. He looked at her for a few moments, wondering what was beneath the bandages.
“Are you just going to stand there?”
“How did you know I was back?”
“I can smell the leather from your bag.” She smiled. “Just set my bag here by my feet.”
“Would you like to rest before we go eat?”
“No, I haven’t eaten all day. Give me about 20 minutes to get settled in, then come fetch me.”
“Sounds good. See you then.”
Beth heard the soft click of the door as he closed it. She felt for the remote and turned the television on for back ground noise. Her mind sloshed through the day, the excitement, the frustration, as she unpacked her belongings. She ran a brush through her hair carefully so as not to snag the gauze, changed her blouse to a sweater. She fought back a stab of uncertainty at completely trusting a stranger, but something in his voice and in the way he helped her told her she had no need to worry. She really had no other choice. She could sit here in the room until a flight out became available, alone and hungry, but he was paying for the room, and sounded a little depressed himself. Tomorrow was New Year’s Eve and he said he had no one to spend it with. Well, now he did.
Johnny returned for her and they walked to the Red Onion for dinner. The Chalet was right off the downtown mall where all the shops and restaurants in a square four blocks were off limits to traffic. The fountains in front of the Wheeler Opera House were shut off, but the wet smell on the iron grate still lingered in the cold air. Snow fell steadily, and when one was walking it created a soft setting.
“Would you like me to read you the menu?”
“No thanks. Just order me some soup and a sandwich.”
They made small talk until after their order was placed then Beth asked him how he wound up stranded.
“I came out to visit some friends in the canyon for Christmas, and planned to be on my way to New York for New Year’s. I figured I’d be able to fly out this afternoon but the storm cut me off. End of story. Yours, however, has me intrigued.”
“Ah. Well, stupid accident, really. We were, um, friends and I, were camping, and one of the guys was trying to start the portable heater. He got up to get the manual for it and I crouched down to look and it blew up in my face. They took me to the hospital and treated my eyes, but I couldn’t stay at the hospital. They arranged for me to stay here at the Assisted Living Facility while I recovered. I was supposed to go to Denver to get the bandages off, and to see what permanent damage had been done.” She bowed her head and sat silent. Johnny let her sit for a moment, wanting to ask what her chances were.
“Um…what…I mean…will you…”
“I don’t know if I will regain my sight. I took no shrapnel so they think are pretty sure I will see again. It just depends on how well. I may just see shadows, I may have full sight. They don’t know.”
Johnny sat back, staring at her, wondering how he would handle the situation. She seemed realistic enough about it, but there was a tremor of fear as well. The waiter came up with their food and they ate in silence. As they left and walked back, he watched how she raised her face to the snow, smelled the air, turned her head to sounds he didn’t quite pick up.
“I smell popcorn.”
He looked around and a full block away was The Popcorn Stand. He was amazed.
“Would you like to take some back with us?”
“No. Maybe we can come out and get some later.”
They walked the rest of the way to the Chalet in silence. It struck him how different this was from other times, no intrusions, no posturing, just a comfortable silence. He smiled and lit a cigarette, inhaling deeply. Every place nowadays had restricted areas and he was happy to be out in the open and able to enjoy one for a change. He preferred his hand rolled ones, but since there was little chance of finding what he needed, he had to make do with the prepackaged ones.
“Can I hit that? I haven’t had a cigarette since the accident.”
“Sure.” They stopped and he held the smoke out, bringing her hand up to guide it to her mouth. He held it for her while she took a long drag, released the end and held it for a moment. The smoke rising into the cold night looked like a cloud dropped from the sky.
“Thanks. Two weeks is a long time to go without a nicotine hit. I suppose I should think of giving it up, but it is still one of my comfort vices.”
“You want more before we go in?”
He held it for her again then put it out in the ashtray outside the door. After seeing her to her room, he stepped into his, leaving the light off. He threw his coat on the bed and grabbed a book he had been meaning to read and returned to her door.
Beth heard the knock, but she had smelled his aftershave well before. The click of the latch told her he had opened the door.
“Do you want to go sit by the fire?”
His hand was strong at the small of her back as he walked behind her. He was letting her lead and she had no problem finding the main room. No one else was in the lobby and they gathered a couple of pillows and sat on the floor in front of the hearth.
“I have a book I was planning to start reading, would you like me to read to you?”
“I would, if you don’t mind.”
She listened as he started to read the tale to her, lost in the smoothness of it. That nagging feeling that she should know the voice stayed with her, especially hearing how his voice would change with the characters and narration. The events of the day began to catch up to her and she shifted to lay down. Johnny stopped reading and she could feel him moving around. His hands were warm as he lifted her head and settled it on a pillow in her lap. A blanket was draped over her and she snuggled down, exhausted.
“Why are you smiling?”
“I just realized this is probably the first time I have relaxed since the accident.”
“Ah. Stay that way.”
He picked up reading again and she drifted off to sleep, the heat from the fire warming her front. She had no idea how long she slept, but she felt him move from under her, then pick her up and take her to her room. After laying her on the bed, she sensed him crouch down, and felt his hand stroke her hair. She fell back to sleep, unaware of when he left.
Beth had been up for an hour when she heard the knock at her door. Even through the bandages, she could tell when the daylight appeared, and it was still her favorite time of day. She had bathed and dressed and sat listening to the television, waiting to see if her new friend would remember her today. The sound of the knock made her smile.
“Come in.”
“Hey, good morning. I wasn’t sure if you’d be up.”
“Ya, I am usually up before sunrise. My favorite time of day.”
“I see. Not much sun today, I am afraid. There’s a good foot of snow from last night. It’s let up a little, but they are saying we’ll get more.”
“Damn. I suppose I’ll have to call Denver and reschedule my appointment.”
“Here, I brought you some coffee. They always have a pot on in the lobby. I didn’t know how you took it.”
“I like my coffee like my men, strong and sweet.”
His chuckle made her blush.
“Maybe I should just breathe on it then?”
She bowed her head, trying to hide the redness in her cheeks. A little voice was asking her what she thought she was doing flirting with this man. Another told the first to shut the fuck up. She chose to listen to the second.
“They have a breakfast set up in the other room, cereals, yogurt, juice, fruit. Can I bring you something?”
“I’d like that, but first, I’d love a cigarette, if you don’t mind?”
“We’ll have to go out on the balcony. Let me get your coat.”
The air outside was crisp. There was a humid quality hanging about. Beth could feel the snowflakes as they landed on her hand.
“Can you smell that? The snow?”
“Ya, I can, actually. I never thought about snow having a smell.”
“Listen, and you can hear as the flakes land too.”
They stood in silence, hearing the smallest of crunches as it snowed down around them. Beth loved all of the new sensations she was experiencing. Things that her eyes robbed her of. As they finished their smokes, he stepped in to help guide her on the slick balcony. She could smell his soap and shampoo, how they mixed with the scent of his cigarette and the coffee. His arm around her waist was casual and relaxed, while also strong and supportive.
Once in the room again, he got her seated at the table and went to grab breakfast. He returned and they ate listening to the local news and weather.
“So, now that breakfast is out of the way, what shall we do? Go hiking?”
She laughed. He was comfortable and she heard it reflected in his voice. When he mentioned getting breakfast, there was a slight edge to it, but she didn’t know why.
“Well, I need to call the hospital first, then I think we should maybe decide about tonight. It is New Year’s Eve. Is there a party here? Do you want to go out? Do you want to be alone?”
“No. I don’t want to be alone.”
Sadness in his voice. Like someone who had been alone, even with others around.
“Okay, well, you decide. I am game for anything.”
She sensed him rise from his seat across from her and kneel in front of her. He took her hands.
“How about we stay in. I am not up for a crowd of strangers closing in. I think I would enjoy a nice evening with you here. They have a party downstairs, so we may be able to enjoy the fire. The less people who see me the better right now.”
Beth thought that a cryptic statement to make, and wondered if she was being cared for by someone wanted by police. No, that made no sense. He was out with her last night and all, that wasn’t the action of a fugitive. Not wanting to scare her benefactor off, she chose to let it go.
“Okay. I think I’d like that. I’d like you to read some more to me as well, if you wouldn’t mind. But, for now, I need to make that call.”
“I’ll go get ready to go out, get what we need for tonight. Do you want to go with me?”
“I’ll tell you what. If you don’t mind, I’ll stay here. I’ll only slow down your progress.”
“Are you sure? You don’t feel cooped up?”
“No. I need to take some meds. I’ll probably nap a bit. It is amazing how wiped out this whole thing makes me. I’ll make my calls and just wait for you to come back.”
There was a moments hesitation from him, then Beth felt him rise and plant a kiss on the top of her head. His hand cupped her cheek. The fingers were slender, with just a bit of a nail, like someone who played guitar.
“I’ll be back soon.”
She sat, frozen in her chair after he left, her cheek still warm from his touch. Her hand reached up and touched the spot, a smile crossing her face. She hoped tonight, she’d learn a little more about this Johnny.
Johnny stood outside the door to her room after he closed it, his heart pounding. What the hell was he doing? He had laid awake last night, thinking about Beth. He knew very little about her, but her plight just touched him. He could not afford to get caught up in a new relationship, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. Fuck it, he thought. It’s New Year’s Eve, and he wasn’t gonna let anything weigh on his mind now. He was away from the Hollywood rat race, and he was going to enjoy it. So far, there had been little stir about him, and he planned to keep it that way. If he kept the sunglasses and the hat and scarf bundled, he could move about. One great thing about being in Aspen, most of the regulars left him alone.
He decided to get a taxi and hit the stores. He’d order a dinner in for them, but snack food seemed in order. And wine. And champagne. And cigarettes. He forgot to ask what she preferred. His hand rested on the doorknob, thinking to go back and ask her, but he could hear her on the phone with the hospital. Not wanting to intrude, he went to his room and called a cab, and went out to wait for it.
It was early afternoon when he returned to the Chalet. The slopes were dotted with the skiers. He walked in the back way, avoiding the lobby for the time being. He unloaded the snacks and drinks, putting the wine and champagne out on the balcony to keep chilled. He was hungry and decided a trip across the street to the McDonald’s was the ticket. He went to Beth’s room to see if she wanted anything.
He knocked and opened the door. She was lying on the bed and he was unable to tell if she was asleep.
“Is someone there?”
“Hey. Just me. I just got back.. You doing okay?”
“Ya. The doc said that after the first if I can get a flight out to come on in. I called my family to let them know what is up as well.”
“Good deal. You hungry?”
“Yes! What do you have in mind?”
“McD’s across the street. Would you like to walk over?”
“Sounds good to me.”
She grabbed her coat and Johnny got her boots and helped her to put them on. He guided her out into the cold.
“It’s not snowing.”
“No, it’s not. You could tell?”
“I don’t hear, smell or feel it.”
The McDonalds had the counter downstairs and a dining area upstairs. Since it was after lunch, it was fairly deserted. They found a booth in the back.
“So what did you get? Shopping today?”
“Wine, and champagne and soda. Some crackers and cheese and chocolate, strawberries, raspberries.”
“Good heavens. Sounds like quite the feast!”
“I figured we’d order dinner in, if that is okay with you?”
“Sure. No worries.”
“I thought we’d sit by the fire for a while, then see if they are showing any good movies. Watch the countdown with Dick Clark. It has been a long time since I spent a New Year’s like that.”
“Me too. Always trying to force frivolity with friends. I mean, it’s okay, but, I don’t know.”
“You ready to head back?”
They returned to the hotel and decided that they would each take a nap, rest up. Johnny lay on his bed, thoughts of the upcoming evening running through his mind. He hadn’t spent a quiet New Year’s since he became a star. Every year he was on the list for the hot parties, making appearances. He realized he had to call his agent and let her know where he was. She was probably freaking out. He’d call tomorrow. He was enjoying the lost boy scenario for now. Let em freak.
He heard the voice calling him from far away.
“Johnny? Is this the right room?”
His eyes popped open and he scrambled to the door.
“Ya, I’m here Beth.”
He opened the door and helped her in.
“Sorry. Did I wake you up?’
“Nah, I was just dozing.” He muffled a yawn by turning the TV on.
“I woke up and…”
He waited for her to continue, but she sat with her head down.
“And what?”
“It seems rather silly to me now. Um. Is the room laid out the same as mine?”
“Oh. No. Here, come sit here on the sofa.”
He led her to a seat and got her a water from the fridge. She drank a little. He looked at her face and could see the tear tracks on her cheeks, smeared across her cheekbones. Without realizing he was doing it, his hand found its way up and brushed her hair back. She jumped at the touch and then laughed it off.
“Tell me. What were you going to say?”
“I scared myself I guess. I lay there, listening to the muffled sounds from the traffic outside; I could hear voices of people outside my door. Then, it stopped and got very quiet.”
She took another drink from the water bottle and let out a shaking breath. Johnny put his hand back in his lap and listened. It was rather quiet. He looked at the clock and realized it was 4 in the afternoon, a time when most people on New Year’s Eve were napping and preparing for the night before.
“I started to think I had imagined everything. I thought I was still in my room at the ALC. Crazy, isn’t it?” She tried to laugh it off again, by a choking cry came out, and he saw the tears come from under the bandages.
“No. Its okay. The mind is a strong force. We…it…can make us believe a lot of things.” He put his arm around her and she buried her face in his shirt. Lost for what he could do, Johnny just sat there holding her for a few minutes, listening to the sound of her quiet tears.
“Hey, come on now. You’re all right. It is New Year’s Eve! And, whether you realize it or not, you have the hottest guy in Aspen as your date.” He almost bit his tongue. Why didn’t he tell her who he was? Admit his fame, and then let it go from there. She didn’t seem to recognize him by voice. Was he trying to keep him anonymity so that when they parted, he wouldn’t have to answer for anything? He hadn’t even thought that far ahead. He’d have to help get her to Denver, but then what?
“Thanks. I know. It has just been a very trying couple of weeks for a mid-western girl.”
“No problem. Here. You stretch out on the couch and I am going to jump in the shower. Then we’ll have some dinner and read, how does that sound?”
“Good. Sounds good.”
Beth could hear the sounds of him in the shower. The room was warm and the sound of the water running and the relief from her fears put her in a relaxed state and she drifted off to sleep. When she woke up, she could smell a candle burning, humid, fresh soap and shampoo, and sandalwood cologne. She stretched and sat up. The light in the room was electric, the day had far since passed.
“You’re awake.”
“Why did you let me sleep? You must be hungry.”
“Nope. I had some of the crackers and cheese and a little wine. Watched the news. You looked to peaceful to wake up.”
She stood and walked the room, feeling the furniture and walls. She needed to find the bathroom and didn’t want to ask. Johnny didn’t move, and as she got closer to him, the sandalwood grew stronger. Lifting her nose, she found the scent from the shower and followed it to the bathroom. There was a little steam left in the small tiled room from his shower. When she finished she walked back out, feeling the change in humidity and temperature from room to room.
“I am impressed.”
She laughed.
“No, really. That was great to watch.”
Beth caught the scent of his cologne again and followed it to where he sat.
“I have learned to follow my other senses.”
Breathing in his cologne, she reached out for his hand, pulling him up to stand.
“Close your eyes. Now, concentrate on smelling the soap and water from the shower.”
She waited for a few moments, listening to him shuffling his feet and breathing.
“Wow. I get the idea.”
“When you have no sight, you learn to rely on smells and sounds and touch. Now. “What’s for dinner?”
“Do you like Mexican food?”
Two hours later, the dinner had been delivered and consumed. Dinner talk centered around discussions of books, movies and music. The television had been turned off in favor of a CD. Beth sat listening while Johnny checked the lobby. It was nearly deserted, the sounds of the party downstairs muted. He pulled some blankets and pillows to the front of the fireplace and collected Beth and their book. He positioned the seating so that no one could see who he was without walking directly in front of them, and the fireplace prevented that. Very few people came through, and they sat comfortably alone, drinking wine while he told her the story until nearly 11.
A few people from the party downstairs were starting to filter in and carry the party on. He gathered everything and walked Beth back to his room. They settled on the bed with the wine and crackers and cheese. Dick Clark held court on the TV. He cut the cheese and poured the wine, holding her hand around the glass. She was feeling the wine and he steadied her while she got her grip. As his fingers met hers on the cool glass, one of hers stroked his. With his free hand, he picked up a piece of cheese and crackers and nudged her mouth open. He placed the end on her tongue and she closed her mouth around it. Leaning in, he took hold of the other half, his lips brushing hers. They sat that way for a moment, then she bit the cracker in half.
“You have a moustache. It tickles.”
She leaned forward again, tipping her face out to feel it again. Johnny swallowed and hesitated. The wine muddied his thoughts, so that all he could think of was making love to her. He leaned in so she could find his mouth. Let her indicate. He would go by what she wanted.
He closed his eyes and felt the softness of her mouth as it found is and gave him a small kiss. Then another. Then she ran her tongue along the outline of his upper lip.
“I want this. I want to experience sex without sight. Will you?”
In response, he reached for the wine glass and took it from her hand, laid her on her back and began to kiss her. He closed his eyes and followed her lead, sensing things. He could taste the wine on her tongue as she explored his mouth. The wetness of the inside of her mouth brought to mind thoughts of making her wet below. He felt her breath against his face and heard the soft sounds of enjoyment that came from her. His hand traveled up to cup her face, her cheeks like velvet. He could feel the gauze on her eyes brush against him. He let each sensation fill him and build on each other. Her fingers on his bicep were light and stroked to his wrist where she caught his hand. She brought his fingers to her mouth and she began to suck on the tips. The warmth of her mouth as it took each finger in pushed him over the edge and he reached between their bodies to find her breast.
Beth felt his fingers work their way over her ribs, the pressure from each round pad insistent. His hand found her breast and she arched in to his touch. She could taste the saltiness of the cracker and the bite of the wine as he kissed her. He had seemed hesitant at first and she reassured him she wanted this. It was a small price to pay for his saving her at the airport. She could smell the smoke from the fireplace mingling in his hair with the shampoo. His mouth moved from hers and traveled down her throat. Where the soft roughness of his tongue left a wet trail, the air hit and made her shiver. Or was it the spot beneath her ear he found and nuzzled? She offered her throat to him, taking in the feel of his lips and tongue.
His hand crawled down her front and up under her sweater. Through the thin material of her blouse beneath she felt the heat from his hand as he caressed her stomach. With deftness, he undid the buttons, finding her bra underneath. Friction between the satin and her flesh as his hand circled her breast sent shivers through her. She reached down between them and found him growing hard under his blue jeans. The solid form encased in denim thrilled her and she placed her palm directly on top of it, rubbing it. She felt him jump at her touch and heard his breath escape into her ear. Reaching between his legs she drew her hand up over his balls and cock, drumming her fingers as she went.
His mouth found hers again and he drove his tongue in, exploring, tasting, darting in and out and around. She matched his movements and increased the pace and pressure on his groin. He let out a moan as she framed his hard prick between her thumb and forefinger, drawing up and down the shaft through the material.
“God, Beth, I want you.”
She pushed him up from her chest and sat up, removing her sweater and blouse. He dropped his head to her cleavage and breathed in deeply. His hot breath fanned her tits and she let her head fall back while he tickled the valley the bra created. Her hands found his shirt and pulled it off, then returned to stroking the denim encased prick. He reached behind her and undid the bra, cupping each breast and raising it to his mouth. The hardness of his teeth against her nipples as he drew them in made her moan.
“Yes, Johnny, suck my tits for me. It feels so good when you do that.”
He nicked at her nipples and ran his tongue around them, creating hard little pebbles out of her nipples. She stroked his smooth chest, finding his nipples, playing with them until they began to stand out. The tightness at the apex of her breasts pulled her skin in a hot tug.
“My pants. Take off my pants.”
She obeyed his request and found the button and fly on his jeans, freeing his swollen cock. As she smoothed her hand over the head, a jolt of adrenaline shot through her stomach. Wrapping her hand around she began to move it up and down, jacking him. He sat still, letting her move him. She was surprised to find him grow even larger in her hand.
“Let me in. Let me make love to you, Beth.”
“Yes, yes Johnny please.”
He removed her pants and positioned himself between her legs. His fingers were soft as he drew them up her slit. When he hit her clit she jumped, and let out a small cry. Her arms ran up and down his pulling him towards her.
“I can’t wait to feel you in me. Hard and hot.”
She felt him place one hand under her ass and lift her up, while the other held his cock. The spongy tip at her slit gave way to solid cock and he filled her
He drove all the way into her in one fluid movement and held there, his cock buried, his balls resting against her ass. Both were twitching with anticipation and pre orgasmic tremors. She could hear his breathing becoming ragged as he fought for control, echoing her own. When he finally drew back out, she could feel every inch of him as he slid in her cunt. Every movement he made was tattoo’d on her brain, and she could tell exactly what he was doing. His cock grew harder and fatter inside her, the head expanding as his strokes increased.
“Do it Johnny. That’s it, in and out, faster, make me cum, cum with me. So good, so close.”
“Yes, oh, yes. Jesus Beth you are so tight, so…oh”
He stopped and only make gutteral sounds, struggling to breath as he fucked her.
She began to move with him as he pumped into her. She brought her legs up and hooked them over his arms so that he was driving straight down into her cunt.
“Oh Oh Oh, yes Johnny yes hard. Fuck me hard that’s it you have me on fire.”
She felt the pressure building deep in her cunt and knew she was ready to come. He had her clit flaming. He bent down and caught one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking at it hard in rhythm with his thrusts. The added electric jolt from him sucking her tit added to the driving in her cunt sent her over the edge and she began to shake, feeling the walls of her pussy as they contracted, grabbing his delicious cock. She could feel her cum oozing around his cock and heard him hold his breath for a moment, then a sharp cry as he exploded in her, his hot cum over taking hers. He held still for a moment as it his, grinding his pelvic bone into hers. As his arms shook, and he spent inside her, the arms folded and he lay down on her, wrapping her close. Her hands found and cupped each of his magnificent ass cheeks, feeling the muscles in the smooth globes as they twitched with the last of his orgasm. She drew him into her and rubbed against him. He began to kiss her neck.
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you.”
He rolled to his side and drew the blankets up over them. The television was counting down to midnight.
“5…4…3…2…1…HAAPPY NEW YEAR!”
Music played, horns blared. Whispered beneath it all, they wished each other a happy new year.
“Happy New Year Beth.”
“Happy New Year Johnny.”
Beth snuggled into his arms, feeling normal, warm and safe. Johnny kissed her head. Just before she fell asleep, she thought she heard his whisper
“No regrets, Beth.”
Johnny stood at the balcony door, smoking a cigarette. After he was sure Beth was asleep he had gotten up and had a glass of wine. What had just happened? She wanted it, she said as much. But the old fear of trouble wanted to ruin one of the most beautiful things he had experienced. Why did he have such a hard time letting himself be happy? He knew there was nothing to fear. They were adults and there were no ties. Two people caught in a snowstorm. It was New Year’s Day. Tomorrow, Sardy could be opened. He had decided to charter a flight to make sure Beth got to the hospital in Denver. After getting there, he hadn’t decided what to do. He was anxious to find out if she would see again, and he wondered if not, would he reveal himself. Hell, if she could see would he let her see him?
He took a draught from the glass of wine and felt the warmth of the alcohol as it coursed through his chest. There was no wind, the night was still. It had finally stopped snowing and everything was buffered by the white mounds. The sky was cloudy, keeping the temperature up in the shadow of the great Rockies. Aspen was at the bottom of a bowl of ice cream tonight. Nothing else existed.
The sound of Beth moving in the bed drew his attention, although he didn’t turn. He closed his eyes and listened for the sound of her legs rubbing against the sheets, subtle. He could hear her ankle as it popped when she stretched her foot out, and the change of her breathing as she woke.
“Over here.”
He listened to the sounds of her as she wrapped the blanket around her and got out of the bed, the same ankle popping as she walked to him in her socks. He could smell her as she got nearer, she smelled of sweat, sleep, sex and wine. He knew she was behind him before he turned.
“Have a good nap?”
She smiled and held her hand out for the cigarette. He held it to her mouth and let her hit it. The cloud of smoke mixed in the cold air, hanging in front of them, dissipating.
“Is there any cheese and crackers left? I am famished.”
He put the butt out and laid his arm over her shoulders turning her back in.
“I have a robe if you want to put it on.”
“What will you wear?”
“I have sweats and a t-shirt. I’ll be okay.”
“What time is it?”
“It is two hours into the new year.”
He got the robe and watched as she dropped the blanket and let him help her into it. There was no shyness. Apparently, when you couldn’t see others reactions, you were less self conscious. She sat on the bed while he got the snack for them.
“Johnny, I don’t want you to feel any obligation to me. This has been a strange situation. I owe you a huge debt for saving me. This was a way to pay it back. Once we return to our lives, whatever yours is and where ever mine leads me, I don’t want you to worry.”
“Beth, I…”
“No, really. Now, if you want to stay in touch, I would be thrilled. Shit, man, I don’t know your last name. You could have a wife and kids. You could be wanted by the law. You could be a superstar.”
Johnny’s heart jumped, then he realized she was chuckling. She didn’t know. He felt relief at her words, but also, confusion. He might want to stay in touch. He just didn’t know.
“Let’s just forget there is an outside world until tomorrow. Then, we’ll get you to Denver and go from that okay?”
“I’d like that. I have really enjoyed the time with you. It has been like there are only the two of us in the world, and I like the solitude. Come here, crawl in bed with me and how bout reading some more of that book? I could listen to you read a phone book.”
She laughed and the weight on his mind left. He grabbed the book and sat next to her. He could play make believe for a while longer. It was what he did for a living.
They sat up for the rest of the first precious hours of the new year, Johnny reading. They fell asleep somewhere after the first light of the day crawled over the mountains. Beth listened to him read, but her mind was full of questions. One more day and then she had to face her fate. She knew she could distinguish light, and hoped for the best. Fear lined the edge of her heart though, to wonder what if that were all she would have. She knew she’d adjust. She always adjusted to big changes in the past. Yet she kept hoping that she would be able to see.
There was also a little fear at the end of her time with Johnny. She was curious to see him, but again, wondered what if he wasn’t what she expected. She was not a superficial person, but that was the least of her worries. What if he had some history she couldn’t accept. Would it change her memories? Did she want to know him after this was over? Her mind kept shoving questions at her and she kept shoving them back. She was determined to make the best of this situation and enjoy it.
She could smell the coffee in the lobby when she woke. Johnny was sleeping next to her. She carefully left the bed and made sure the robe was covering her as she made her way out to the hall. The fresh nutty smell of the coffee was too much to pass up and she found her way into the lobby. There were a few women in there and one was kind enough to help her get her cup. She could hear the conversation of the others and apparently, someone had spotted a movie star at a party last night. She shook her head to hear them sharing the gossip. She didn’t know how she would react if she ever saw one herself, but she liked to think it wouldn’t make her revert to a 15-year old.
She thanked her helper and made her way back to her own room, bathing and dressing. She enjoyed her coffee and a cigarette on the balcony, hearing the sounds of Aspen as it moved. The slush in the streets as cars went by, the sound it made as it was thrown from the tires to the pavement. Johnny had told her there was a park across from the Chalet and she could hear the peals of laughter from children playing there. She imagined they were busy building snowmen and making snow angels. She could hear the sounds of snowball fights and sleds being dragged across the snow. Behind the hotel were the slopes and the skiers were out in force. She heard the hum of the cables as they sent the lifts up the mountain, and the swooshing of the skis and snowboards coming down.
While she had the opportunity, she called and checked messages at home and checked in with her parents. All was well, and they anxiously awaited her return home. They asked if she needed money and she assured them that once she got to Denver, she would be in touch to discuss that. She turned on the football game and began to work around the room, packing up odds and ends. Once she was certain she had things in order, she returned to the lobby for some more coffee and retrieved a cup for Johnny.
He was in the shower again when she entered the room. She could tell he had left the door open by the steam in the room. She could hear him singing as he finished. Remaining quiet, she listened to him walk out and dry off. He let out a shout when he realized she was sitting there.
“Jesus Beth.” She could tell he was trying to cover him self in frantic movements.
“Johnny, I can’t see you. Don’t worry.”
He started to laugh and she held out his coffee.
“Here. My turn to play waiter.”
“Thanks. If you let me get dressed, we’ll go get a late lunch.”
“What time is it anyway?”
“Almost three. You like Italian. I know a little place near here. I called and they are open.”
“You lead and I’ll follow.”
The lunch was delicious and by five they were back in his room. During lunch he revealed he had arranged for chartered flight for them at 11 the next day to Denver. Beth tried to sound happy and relieved, and imagined she heard him doing the same thing. Their time was rushing to and end. Once back at the Chalet, an almost shy silence had fallen between them. She could hear him packing things up and was struggling with what to do. She wanted to make love to him again; she wanted the outside world to stop for her. Honesty had worked before, so she figured instead of playing games, she’d do it again.
“Make love to me again. Let’s spend this last night together enjoying each other.”
Johnny, for once, was grateful she couldn’t see him. He was torn at the thought of the next day and tried to avoid it by packing up the room. He wanted to make love to her again and again before the world crashed in. When she voiced his thoughts, he found his knees almost gave out on him in relief. Amused with his reaction, happy she couldn’t see it, he walked to where she sat on the couch.
“I want to make love to you. I want to remember every detail of you.” He chuckled. “I want to take you out for a midnight walk in the Aspen snow and moonlight. I want to wash your hair for you, and do for you and give you everything tonight.”
He stroked her hair as he spoke, traced the outline of her cheek and jaw with his finger.
Taking her bottom lip between his, he sucked at it. Her top lip covered his and returned the suckling, then became a kiss, strong and insistent. Her hands took on a life of their own, clawing at his clothes, directing his hands to remove hers.
“Now, Johnny, now. I can’t take wanting you like this. I have to have you now!”
In moments they were naked, her straddling him in the straight backed chair at the table. He held he at her waist and her hands clutched the top rung on the chair. She let him position his cock at her cunt, then forcefully dropped on top of him. He groaned at the feeling of her warm cave engulfing him, the throbbing in his dick growing more insistent as she pumped up and down. He closed his eyes and let his hands run over her back and ribs, featherlike, feeling the goose bumps raise on her flesh. His mouth held tight to hers, devouring her. He could taste the salty sweat on her upper lip, mixing with the garlic and wine in her mouth. No words were spoken. It was quick, frantic, a pure fuck. As her ass hit his thighs and bounced back up while she shafted his cock with her cunt, a slight slapping sound was made. Johnny focused on the rhythm the sound made, how is was losing its cadence as she neared her orgasm. He could feel the twitching of his own impending release, and unable to form the words encouraged her on by groaning and grunting along with her. He felt her legs tremble and her stroke stutter and knew she was on the precipice and took over, splaying his hands on her waist and guiding her up and down. He spilled inside her with a loud guttural sound and she wailed at it.
They sat on the chair panting. Johnny hadn’t had a quick, hard fuck like that in ages and his heart was racing. He could feel hers pounding with his. Without a word, he stood up, his semi hard cock still inside her, and moved them to the bed. He eased in, not wanting to break the contact. Once under the covers, he began to kiss her throat and ear. Hearing the little moans of pleasure, feeling her cunt twitch on his cock brought him quickly back. He was surprised to find he was up for another go and he began to pump into her, not wanting to lose it. She wrapped her ankles around his waist and rocked with him
“God Johnny yes, again.”
The movements weren’t as frantic or hard, and it took very little time to bring their already heightened organs to a head again. The orgasm was smaller, a little less intense, but fulfilling and pleasurable just the same. Neither moved, and he heard the softness of her breathing as she fell asleep on his chest. He fought to keep the afterglow amidst the barrage of questions that started to come back to him. He focused on listening to her, feeling her heart, and was soon asleep himself.
His fingers were strong as they flexed, moving through her hair and over her scalp. Her scalp vibrated with the massaging rhythm. While at the ALC, they had washed her hair in a salon set up since she couldn’t do it herself with the gauze. It was nothing like this, as she sat in the hot bath, Johnny’s legs on either side of her. As his hands worked on her hair, he moved against her. She thrilled to the feel of his powerful thighs rubbing on the outside of hers. She sat still, her head tipped back while he lathered and rinsed it. Cascades of shampoo and hot water ran over her shoulders, down over and between her breasts. She heard the click of a cap and smelled the body wash as Johnny lathered a bath pouf, and began to wash her back and shoulders. His slender fingers coaxed her arms up, and travel their length, the silken lather and the netting of the pouf scraping along her arms. Beth stood and let him wash her legs and her ass, then turned so he could do her crotch. He stood and finished up by washing her front, drawing circles over and around her breasts. He soaped the pouf again and handed it to her. One hand moved it along his chest, the other trailing behind to feel the slick path on his smooth chest. She moved down to his legs, then back up to carefully wash the member that gave her so much pleasure. Grasping it, she lathered it with her hand and felt him jump a little.
“Now now. We have time. We need to get some dinner and take that moonlight walk first.”
“Oh Damn.”
They rinsed and dried off, dressing to go out to dinner. The Grotto’s was a block away and featured live blues. Beth discovered that like many of the places in downtown Aspen, they had to go down stairs to a basement to get to it. Johnny led her to a table and they ordered bar food and drinks. The band playing was good, and Johnny seemed to be enthralled with the music. He dropped comments about the styles and the instruments during the performance. When they finally took a pause for the cause, Johnny paid the bill and led her back up to the street. He told her the moon was waning and the stars were out. Despite the clear sky, it wasn’t too cold, and there was no wind. They walked the downtown plaza, making a circuit around and ending at the park. Taking the sidewalk, they traveled around the park block, winding up at the Popcorn Stand. Ever since making the last turn, the smell of fresh popcorn had tormented Beth’s nose. They bought a bag and two sodas and sat near the fire pit. If perfection existed, this had to be it. The Grotto’s was diagonally across from where they sat and they could hear the band start their next set. Johnny lit two cigarettes, and they sat listening to the night, the music.
“Close your eyes, Johnny, and breath.”
“Now, tell me, what do you smell.”
“Popcorn. Heat from the fire. Smoke from the cigarette.”
“Is that all?”
“I can smell the grease in the fryer at the bar!”
Beth laughed.
“Just breath a little more. Find the layers.”
“I smell the people. Colognes, perfumes, soaps, and sweat. I smell…the grate from the fountain.”
“Very good. What do you hear? Not the obvious ones.”
“Footsteps and the people in the bar. I can hear traffic. I can hear a sizzle from the fire.”
“And what do you think?”
“I think you have been given an amazing gift, to be able to see without sight, and to accept it. Thank you for sharing it with me.”
“It’s like I said, you need to learn to use your other senses, to experience everything around you. Like you said, to see without sight.”
“I will try to remember that.”
“I am getting cold. Let’s head back.”
They returned to the Chalet and grabbed some coffee from the deserted lobby before heading back to his room. He had paid her room and moved all of her things in with him earlier. They undressed and crawled into bed, turning the TV on to a movie. Johnny sat against the headboard and Beth snuggled up close to him, mindlessly stroking his bare leg. His hand hung on her shoulder and caressed it. Beth was fighting the rising panic that their time was almost over. She didn’t want to let anything escape her hand or her mouth, and she began to explore his flesh. Johnny tried to reciprocate, but she hushed him.
“I want to know you. Lay still and let me see you.” She crawled around on the bed, her hands touching every inch of his body. She found his stomach was toned, but not hard. His pectoral muscles were firm and quivered as she traced them. The muscles in his arm were solid, despite the fact they weren’t large. His legs were as muscular as his arms. She found out he was a little ticklish when she got to the soles of his feet. Everywhere her hands went, her mouth followed, leaving little kisses behind. Once she had explored every inch, she returned to hid middle, grabbing his cock. He wasn’t hard yet, and she took him in her mouth, eliciting a soft moan from him. The wad that was his prick laid in her mouth and she massaged it with her tongue, growing wet as she felt his start to stiffen.
She cupped his balls him her hand and began to manipulate them, causing the hardness to grow more. As his prick extended, she released it from her mouth grabbing the bottom of the shaft with her free hand and making a slow, squeezing trek up. Stopping at the head, she kissed the small opening, flicking it with her tongue. She rimmed the edge of the tip and finding the spot that made his jerk, worried at it with her mouth.
“Jesus, God, Beth, so good. Damn you hit the spot!”
He doubled in size immediately, and she began to suck him off, pumping her hand and mouth up and down his cock. His hands tangled in her hair and he urged her to go faster. When she felt him nearing his peak, she slowed again. He cried out and moaned, trying to catch hid breath. Over and over she tortured his prick with her teeth, tongue lips and hands.
“Please, Beth, God let me cum!”
Beth began the final assault with fervor, drooling on his cock, taking him deep into her mouth. She felt the precum ooze out and pulled her mouth away, continuing the job with her hand, feeling him shake. He let out a sharp shout as he finally came and felt the hot splatters as they fell on her hand. She breathed in the smell of his cum, a salty, sweet almost metallic smell. She kept shafting and squeezing him, drawing every bit from his cock until she felt it going soft. Crawling up to where he sat panting, she kissed him.
“Give me a few minutes, and I’ll return the favor.”
Beth stretched out next to him. She was horny as hell and began to run her own hands over her body, stopping to play with her nipples. One hand stayed on her breast and the other reached down to between her legs where she began to stroke herself.
“Just getting it ready for you Johnny.”
She could hear his breathing slow and change. Soon, his mouth met her hand at her breast and he began to kiss them. He blazed a trail down to her stomach, traveling from side to side to lick at the curve of her waist. She pulled her legs up and apart and he took his place, his breath warm. He blew at her slit, then darted the tip of his tongue out to her clit. The contact made her jump and wiggle closer. He took her into his mouth and began to suck, then lap at it with his tongue. She focused on the slight roughness as his tongue made contact with her delicate skin. One finger found its way inside her, then two. She made a whining moan in her throat. Letting him know he was hitting all the right buttons. He began to finger fuck her as he ate her, the movement of his tongue in time with his fingers. She couldn’t control the spasms that racked her, pleasure overtaking everything. Her legs quivered as he increased his speed and intensity.
“Johnny yes, eat me fuck me with those lovely hands. Yes, please…cumming, Oh God cumming so hard.”
Her orgasm started in the pit of her groin and flamed out to engulf her. Her back arched and she tried to break his grip, fearing the pleasure was too grand. He wouldn’t let loose and she felt a second barrage from her orgasm hit. Finally, he kept go and she went limp on the bed. While her heart raced in her chest and blood pounded in her ears, she felt him take a spot next to her and cover them both up. She lay there, waiting for her body to return to normal when she thought she heard him draw a shuddering breath, as if he were crying. She wanted to ask, to comfort, but she also knew he thought she couldn’t tell. She listened intently and realized he was crying a little. Just trying to keep it under control. She reached up to his face and wiped a tear from his cheek. He caught her hand and kissed the palm, then held it tight over his heart. She cuddled in closer and fell asleep, knowing tomorrow was going to be a draining day.
He found her sitting on the balcony smoking. She had let him sleep which was a good thing. He was tired out from the questions. Long after she had fallen asleep, he imagined how the day would go. He questioned why he had started to cry after getting her off. It just started. Happiness, satisfaction, he had no idea why.
“Good morning beautiful.”
“Hey sleepy head.”
He kissed her head and hit her cigarette.
“Lots to do.”
He went back in and showered and dressed, packed the rest of their things and called for a cab. As they went about, he tried to keep his attitude light, but there was still a heaviness between them. Long heavy silences invaded, through out check out and the cab ride. They got to Sardy Field and sat again waiting for the plane. Few travelers were out. Soon the pilot came and got them for the chartered flight, and they were buckled in and taking off.
Once they reached altitude, Johnny reached over and undid Beth’s seatbelt, pulling her over to sit on his lap.
“This is our last time alone. We’re heading to the Mile High City, let’s do the Mile High Club.”
Beth had dressed in a skirt and he lifted the hem and removed her panties while her hand found his zipper and freed his bulging cock. She held his steady and directed him in. The fabric of her skirt swayed around them as she slowly rocked on him. He knew the flight was short, but wanted this last time to be gentle. He guided her movements, her clit rubbing against him slow and precise. They whispered encouragements to each other.
“Johnny, you are so hard so full. Fuck me softly one last time. That’s it.”
“Beth, God, so tight, so wet. Cum for me, let it go. Good girl yes, move it there rock it. Take my cock.”
He felt her hands clutching at his shoulders as his dug into her waist.
Beth quietly came, panting it out. Johnny muffled his cry in her breasts just after hers. They sat in silence for a moment, then she got up and put herself back together. Johnny was prepared and cleaned himself off and tucked his prick back in just as the pilot announced the descent to Denver. Johnny reached over and belted her in, then took her hand in his and didn’t let go until they reached the hospital.
They wouldn’t let him in the exam area. He sat on the bed next to them, the curtain drawn. When they had checked in, he made sure no one mentioned who he was. He could hear the doctor and Beth on the other side.
“Okay. We’re taking the gauze off. Shield your eyes, here like this.”
Silence. Johnny tapped his fingers on his leg and wished he could have a smoke. He thought he had to be more anxious than she was.
“Now…slowly open your eyes. Tell me what do you see?”
It got quiet and Johnny held his breath. Forever seemed to have come into the room.
“You have on the ugliest tie I have ever seen.”
She could see!
The doctor congratulated her and did a few more minor sight tests.
Johnny stood and paced to the door. Did he let her see? Did he just slip away. Stay or go.
“Johnny? Come here, Johnny?” He held his breath, made his decision and turned.
“Johnny? Come on they are ready to shoot the final gunfight.”
The director’s assistant was knocking on his trailer door. Time to go to work. As he stepped out to the bright desert scene, he placed the sunglasses on, careful to not disturb the makeup representing the blood on his face. He pulled his black gloves on as he walked and kept thinking about how Agent Sands would handle the fight, finding the target.
The voice in his head was as clear as the Aspen night.
“It’s like I said, you need to learn to use your other senses, to experience everything around you. Like you said, to see without sight.”
Read more!
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